
Friday, March 21, 2008


We're rapidly approaching Anya's kindergarten screening so we're trying to prepare her without making it stressful. One of the 2 questions she missed on the "test" at preschool was knowing her address, so we've been working on that and she seems to have it down now. This week, they had to cut out the numbers for their phone number and she didn't know that. It didn't take long, but she knows that now too!

Her teacher gave me a little show when I dropped her off on Thursday. Each day, the kids have to find their name on the back of their seats (it's different each day). Anya has been reading and writing her own name for quite a while, so that's no biggie. On Thurs, though, she started telling each kid where their seats were! I asked her how she knew everyone's name and the teacher said she's been doing that for a while!!! She then went through cards with each kid's name on it and Anya knew them all- what a smartie!! Maybe all the kids can do that, but her teacher certainly seemed impressed by it. That definitely helps me worry less about sending her to kindergarten when she's still 4.

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