
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sebastian has been talking up a storm lately- he's always surprising me with the words and phrases he knows. He's been playing peek-a-boo lately, covering his eyes with his hands and today when he was doing it, I hear him say "Bastian"! Sure enough- he repeated it several more times throughout the day. He's also taken to announcing Anya's kindergarten as we pass it. I've been gearing her up a bit to ease into the idea, so when we pass her school, I'll point it out. Now, as I approach the school from either direction, Baz starts saying "Hi Anya's kindergarten!!!"

He's adopted a baby doll as his new playmate for the past few days. For some reason, he decided that the tiny toilet that goes with Dora's house is the key accessory for this doll. Yesterday, he insisted on taking it into his crib at naptime so he could teach baby how to go potty! This morning he couldn't wait to show Nana his baby and he carried that doll around EVERYWHERE!


Erika said...

Bastian? You mean like in Neverending Story? ;)

Christine said...

Yep- that's actually why I really liked the name, although I've never called him Bastian- that's just the way it comes out when he says it!